Tuesday, September 4, 2012

International News Sources

In the Sources tab of this blog I have a fairly detailed list of the sources/websites I visit frequently with a description of each. One of them is Rayogram -- well, actually, a page at Rayogram -- which has pdfs the front pages of major U.S. newspapers as well as links to their websites. I often like the design of newspapers' print front pages over their web pages, and so Rayogram's service is great. Anyway ...

I also have a lengthy list of international news sources in English. These are indispensible since they give a sense of how others see the world outside of the US. So ... here's the list, with links (alpha by country):

While I've listed what I view as the top international English language news sources (either by influence, reliability, or readership), there are many other solid news sources out there, many of which do not have good English counterparts -- and I'm sure there are plenty of sources, too, I haven't found. For an exhaustive general reference, both for state-by-state U.S. papers and international news sources, see World-Newspapers.com.

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