Thursday, November 22, 2012

Oh Boy! Oh Boy! It's Time for the Macy's Parade!

Fact: Franklin Roosevelt tried to move Thanksgiving up one week to
create more time to shop before Christmas, and for awhile some
Republicans and some Democrats didn't celebrate Thanksgiving on
the same day,
Everybody loves Thanksgiving in the U.S. where we all gorge on turkey and thank our living stars we're not everybody else in the world. I don't even know what "living stars" means. But the average U.S. citizen has more access to delicious turkey and stuffin' and mince pie than your average Bangladeshi, and we're happy about that.  I mean we're not happy they don't have pie and stuff because it would be good if they did, but we're glad we do. Then we sit around and wish the balloons in the parade were filled with helium and would bash into each other and explode in huge fireballs, then we watch American football and thank our lucky stars it's not soccer.

We are so like the Pilgrims.

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