Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Is the Asteroid About to Miss Earth an Effect of Global Warming?

Asteroid 2012 DA14 -- which is pretty big -- will be zipping within 17,000 miles of Earth on Friday -- it could even hit some satellites, though the chances of that are slim. A CNN reporter wants to know, though, if it's caused by global warming.  I'm just agog, I tells ya. Agog.

"This one's just going up and above planet Earth." Ok, I officially feel hopeless about all humanity. 

Bill Nye, meanwhile, wants us to understand that it only missed us by 15 minutes. Well, better luck next time, asteroid.

Oh, and Space.com wants us to understand that "space miners" value it at $195 billion. "Space miners"? What is that? Is that like Mole People? There are no "space miners" except in science fiction.  Jezusss.

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