The World is but so large, yet the Astelli imagine infinities.
To the Astelli our world is but one of an endless number, one for each star in the sky. Each person follows a path among worlds. After death each of us is reborn into a new world. We begin again as infants.
The path we trace is our family path. It is the path of our ancestors and our descendants. Not all lives are equally long. On rebirth, then, we may rejoin some of our ancestors and descendants as well as close family members. Here we have a chance to talk, to love, to look after each other again. Or to revisit old hates and resentments.
We do this although we are not conscious of our prior lives. We know their feeling although we do not know why. Their knowledge lies deep in our subconscious.
Each family's family path is unique. Yet family paths often cross. Some families meet many times. Others never meet. Some family paths intertwine through many generations in many worlds.
Each of us is created with a soul mate. Our soul mate is born to another family with another path. We are made from a single seed. Artechas, the god of craft, splits the seed, creating us each. We shall always complete our soul mate as they complete us. Through generations we come together and then are split again. We always seek each other.
These are the fundamental beliefs of the Astelli, the dominant sect of the Alpha Astari.
Astellism is one of Pyth's two primary religions. Its roots are in the Dryadali, the Grey Elves whose descendants founded Pyth. Astelli faithful believe the elements of Astellism have always existed and exist on every world. Astellism unites all people and all worlds throughout time.
On rebirth each of us takes a new bodily form. Archetas shapes this form based on the new world. Still, a kernel of our prior appearance always remains.
Each of us has a true never-changing soul gender. This Archetas set in division of the seed. Just as bodily form changes on rebirth, our gendered form may change, too. Over time our true sexual interests and our true gender arise, each, separately, when allowed.
Most Astelli believe family paths follow soul genders. Those with a "female" soul gender take the females' path and those with a "male" soul gender the males' path. Intertwining family paths engenders reconnection. By intertwining we join again our oppositely soul gendered family members.
Astellism embraces us all, although the Grey Elves first began worship. The Grey Elves' orthodox belief they are always reborn as Grey Elves. Ref0rmed belief holds that on different worlds sentient beings have different forms. Thus, Grey Elves may not be reborn as Grey Elves. There is nothing religiously "special" about being a Grey Elf. Thus, beyond the orthodox Old Quarter, Astellism is open to all.
The Astelli view infinite rebirth as reason for ethical action. Bad conduct reverberates for generations. Some also believe evil lives are punished with rebirths in poverty, suffering, handicap, or disease. The Astelli have long sought to understand their prior lives and future fates. Pyth and the Astelli are celebrated for their oracles. Chief among these is the Soror Fata. Pilgrims come from throughout the world to consult them at their temple on the mount of fumes.
Likewise, the Astelli's chief god, Ser, the God of the Ring, governs fate. He governs time and outcomes, death and rebirth. On death our essence is transported by Ser through his essence to the next world. Ser's essence indeed surrounds every world. It is through Ser that order is brought to chaos.
The Astelli have many gods. Some families favor one, others another. Yet, in the end the sky and stars envelop us all. We may be overwhelmed by their enormity and beauty. Yet, we should delight in our amazement. For just as they are a part of us, we are a part of them.
Sects of Astellism (collectively known as the "Alpha Astari"):
Dryadali Astellism is considered by scholars to be the oldest form of Astellism. It was originally practiced on the Itaska plains and in the Dryadali's winter refuge in the Tutem Valem. Small groups of Grey Elves scattered by the Dryadali diaspora millennia ago may yet follow Dryadali practices. It is also experiencing a rebirth in Pyth. Dryadali life centered around family and tribe. In the Tutem Valem each family gathered about enormous arched family hearths. Bones of deceased family members were kept in the back of hearths and reduced to ash. As the Dryadali were Grey Elves, they only religiously recognized Grey Elves. They believed rebirth occurred elsewhere on Arret into parallel Grey Elf tribes. Tradition holds the Soror Fata began from four sisters who were early soothsayers among the Dryadali. Their successors' wisdom sent Grey Elves to the Golden Wood, ultimately leading to the founding of Pyth.
Ramosus Astelli believe that there are infinite twined family paths. When a couple bears children a new family thread is created. This thread twines with each the parents' family paths. Whenever the parents' family paths diverge, the thread splits into identical strands entwined with each path. Whenever the parents' family path's intersect, the family thread merges. The Ramosus Astelli believe family paths are complete and ungendered.
Reverti believe existence is circular. Eventually we are reborn in our original birth world. Our family path may not immediately repeat but will eventually. It is a rosetta orbit. The outermost and innermost points of the orbit each form rings. The rings of existence reflect Ser. The Reverti believe we are composed of ancient moments. Our subconscious remembers not just what was but what will be.
Solarians are Astelli magi reputed worldwide for power magics. They are dedicated to Sola. They have daily devotions at sunrise and sunset. The Solarians also operate a school of magic. A group of dark magicians called the "Anti-Solarians" also exists in Pyth. They have clashed with Solarians several times in short violent battles. The Anti-Solarians are known for magical misdeeds, always at midnight. The location of their temple, if any, is not publicly known.
Soror Fata is a sisterhood of renowned Astelli oracles. People journey to Pyth from afar seeking their counsel. Their temple complex is located atop the Pythian vents and fumaroles on Mons Fumi. Their temple is shrouded in mist at all times. In the temple is a sacred hearth. There a the flame of the Dryadali's original community hearth is still kept lit. Due to its prominence, the sisterhood is economically and politically powerful. It's leader, the Regina Fata, has a permanent seat on the Pythian Council. Obtaining the sisterhood's counsel is time consuming and expensive. Guides unaffiliated with the sisterhood can be hired to streamline the process.
Gods of the Astelli and Alpha Astari:
Archetas is the god of craft and creation. He initially creates people and other living things to Ser's designs. He likewise fashions the bodies of people at each birth. He is a frequent object of prayer and devotion.
Atatoma is the primeval goddess of light and knowledge. She is the daughter of Sola and Iuspater.
Aterrus is the god of the underground, coldness, and the void. Some call him "the cruel god." He is the brother of Espatia.
Espatia is the goddess of darkness, night, and the in-between space surrounding worlds. With her brother, Aterrus, she is thought to capture people, stranding them forever in nothingness.
Ferra is the goddess of swords and metalwork. Her priestesses are often sought for blessings.
Fulgus is the god of lightning and aide of Iuspater. Legendarily, he does not follow directions well.
Heggo is the primeval god of the ground, dirt, clay, stone, ore, and gems. He is thought to bring quiet and calmness. Hence the old saying, "By Heggo, silence!"
Iuspater is the primeval god of the sky, ethos, and the male family path. He is the spouse of Mara.
Kerta is the primeval goddess of the hearth, heat, fire, and family. She is the daughter of Mara and Iuspater.
Mara is the primeval goddess of the sea, bountifulness, and the female family path. She is the spouse of Iuspater.
Navus is the god of ships and shipbuilding. Many of Pyth's celebrated goldenwood boats are dedicated to him.
Pallidus is god of the pale moon. He is the god of warfare, stoicism, and is the gods' mediator and enforcer.
- Armentarus is the god of husbandry and shepherds.
- Clepta is the goddess of thieves.
- Cultra is the goddess of agriculture.
- Emari is the god of sailors.
- Fortua is the goddess of luck.
- Scholus is the god of scholars, language, and literacy.
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