Monday, September 17, 2012

It's Doodles All the Way Down

A classic from Colossal, the amazing artwork of Japanese artist Sagaki Keita. His work is phenomenally detailed, large often formal pictures arising as the gestalt of tiny funny parts. What is amazing here is not just his effort and the quality of his craft, but his phenomenal imagination as one looks closer and closer.

Craft and imagination to the side, a computer program could be written to compile scanned doodles and generate larger images from them, allowing infinite regress as one zooms in closer and closer or out farther and farther. The doodles would be composed of doodles that would be composed of doodles ... in other words, a recursive dynamic photo mosaic (with fitting for irregular boundaries).

What makes Sagaki Keita's work wonderful, however, is the personal touch he brings; if it were purely created by computer, it would be nothing but a novelty.

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