Friday, October 12, 2012

The Artwork of Zhou Fan

Zhou Fan (周范) is a Chinese surrealist illustrator/painter whose brightly colored work features, usually, women and fish.  I will not speculate on the psychology behind this -- he says it comes from childhood dreams (which is a good answer for a surrealist) -- and I am doubtful the freud would have actually contributed much to a discussion of it, either, though no doubt his speculations would have been fascinating. Zhou's work is nonetheless beautiful (I word I use far too often, but still, if it's beautiful it's beautiful). There's a lot of sites that have covered his work -- The Jealous Curator (great site where I first saw his work), Booooooom, and Art Scene Warehouse (Chinese contemporary art), among others. And though it has no particular relevance other than sometimes it's interesting to see the creator, here is an image of the Zhou, a very young guy.

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