Saturday, January 19, 2013

Revision of the Reference Sources Tab

I've edited and better organized the references found at the Reference Sources tab of this blog. Reference Sources is sort of like a reference desk with all of the key sources I use accessible from one page. It does not contain blogs, and for a detailed list of the blogs I most often frequent go to the Link Sources tab, which is sort of like a blog roll but with lots of info about the blogs.

The Reference Sources tab contains some key stuff missing at places like Martindale's Reference Desk, which, on the other hand, contains a lot of links I do not, most of which appear to every related site, while I focus on what I see as the most useful ones.

Nonetheless, I can see my Reference Sources is missing a number of good references which I'll be adding in from time to time. I am also not so happy with the table formatting in Blogger (whose CSS makes formatting the table exactly like I'd want too difficult), which is why I did not use it originally, but it is plainly clearer in a table with subject lines. Anyway, I hope someone out there finds this useful.

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