Monday, January 7, 2013

Smetana -- Vltava (Die Moldau) from Ma Vlast

This seems a little soft -- you may need to turn it up to start.

The Vltava is a short symphony by BedÅ™ich Smetana named after a river in Czech Republic; it is one of six pieces making up Smetana's cycle Ma Vlast (meaning "my country" in Czech) and is often known by its German name, Die Moldau. It may not seem recognizable at first but by 1:09 on the video you'll know you've heard it. Smetana composed this at or shortly after he went deaf at the age of 51; he never heard it performed. He died in an insane asylum about nine years later. (By the way, I had a hard time weighing a meaningful video versus the quality of the music performance; I went with the music.)

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