Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Ludic Lifestyle

A provocative thesis -- The Elimination of Work by Bob Black -- but it doesn't explain (a) how resources are distributed; (b) what ownership and property entail; (c) how output is valued; (d) whether the system is monetized and, if so, how; (e) how cooperation is rewarded or encouraged; (f) how distasteful activities get done; (g) how a ludic system is established, transitioned to, and enforced; (h) how ... look, I'm all for a "ludic lifestyle," but it is not immediately apparent how that can be achieved (or even whether it should be achieved) on societal level.  The "ludic" approach, rather, is one perhaps best sought by the individual in their own manner. (I'm also not sure "ludic" is exactly the word the author wants, but he uses it so I'm going with it.) Video via MetaFilter.

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