Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Blogosphere Having Been Duly Collected, Be It Now Resolved ...

Whereas it is traditional on New Years Day of the Gregorian calendar to make and announce sober resolutions of commitment to future good attitude, thought, and deed; and

Whereas today is indeed New Years Day as so marked upon the Gregorian calendar; and

Whereas if anyone needs to resolve to better conduct it could be the staff of this Blog;

Now, therefore, Be It Resolved as follows: 
  1. This blog shall in the future avoid referring to Republicans, Libertarians, Ayn Randian "objectivists," and/or the "Tea Party," or their ilk, as dimwits, boobs, morons, boneheads, or idiots; nor shall this blog imply that they are such; nor shall this Blog do other things bringing disrepute upon the mentally challenged;
  2. Galileo Feynman shall not eat chili to excess on New Years Eve, particularly as he is allergic to beans (true fact);
  3. When at meals Galileo Feynman shall not make offensive sounds, when avoidable, that could lead his children to rue their lineage or question his maturity;
  4. This blog shall not promise to post things and then forget to post them, busy, busy, busy, though It may be, such as year end lists, just speaking hypothetically, of course;
  5. This blog shall not post photos of cats no matter how cute, silly, absurd, or human-like said cats appear, and we will have a stern talking to with Leonardo Sagan if he attempts to post photos of cats, including his own cats;
  6. Sigmund Kirchner shall not in the future claim to have discovered things without first doing the math (or at least some sort of experiments);
  7. We shall not in the future order from the Lord of the Rings specialty menu at Dennys Restaurants, even under threat of torture;
  8. Albert Newton shall stop calling Marie Fermat the cutest little poster ever or referring to her as having "substantial bloggers" no matter how innocent he claims that is;
  9. Marie shall stop punching Albert repeatedly in the eye; and
  10. We shall attempt to post three to five times a day with the vast reserve of quality material we have to post, unless we feel like posting more or less or get some other wild weird ass hair brained idea.
So Be It, this 1st day of January 2013.

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