Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Dr. Seuss: Pitchman

Theodore Geisel did a lot of things as Dr. Seuss besides write children's books. (Warning: that last link could cause brain damage.) Among other things, he famously produced reams of political cartoons and advertisements. Perhaps his largest client was Standard Oil (now Exxon), and his largets client there was their bug spray, Flit.  Flit was no doubt a fine and effective product: it combined mineral oil and DDT.

BTW, a small point that can only get you in trouble if you know it: "Seuss" was Geisel's mother's maiden name (he took it when he was banned from publishing in the Dartmouth newspaper because he was caught drinking gin), and the correct pronounciation of "Seuss" is like "soyce" not like "soos." Just thought you should know.

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